Welcome to Bohemian Trails!

I’m Megan, a Scorpio sun and Libra moon who left my job in the music industry to pursue my two greatest passions: writing and travel.

It all started in 2011, when I was laid off from my dream job in New York City. My ego took a beating and I struggled to find my worth outside of the workplace. It was in those dark moments of self-doubt that I decided to step down from the corporate ladder and blaze a trail of my own.

Fueled by my passion for writing and my deep desire to see the world, I grew Bohemian Trails from a humble side hustle into a full-fledged career. This road hasn’t been an easy one, but I’ve learned that ‘the struggle’ is an active ingredient in any recipe for success.

My hope is that Bohemian Trails inspires you to lead a life of magic and meaning no matter where in the world you call home.


Welcome to Bohemian Trails!

I’m Megan, a Scorpio sun and Libra moon who left my job in the music industry to pursue my two greatest passions: writing and travel.

It all started in 2011, when I was laid off from my dream job in New York City. My ego took a beating and I struggled to find my worth outside of the workplace. It was in those dark moments of self-doubt that I decided to step down from the corporate ladder and blaze a trail of my own.

Fueled by my passion for writing and my deep desire to see the world, I grew Bohemian Trails from a humble side hustle into a full-fledged career. This road hasn’t been an easy one, but I’ve learned that ‘the struggle’ is an active ingredient in any recipe for success.

My hope is that Bohemian Trails inspires you to lead a life of magic and meaning no matter where in the world you call home.


Welcome to Bohemian Trails!

I’m Megan, a Scorpio sun and Libra moon who left my job in the music industry to pursue my two greatest passions: writing and travel.

It all started in 2011, when I was laid off from my dream job in New York City. My ego took a beating and I struggled to find my worth outside of the workplace. It was in those dark moments of self-doubt that I decided to step down from the corporate ladder and blaze a trail of my own.

Fueled by my passion for writing and my deep desire to see the world, I grew Bohemian Trails from a humble side hustle into a full-fledged career. This road hasn’t been an easy one, but I’ve learned that ‘the struggle’ is an active ingredient in any recipe for success.

My hope is that Bohemian Trails inspires you to lead a life of magic and meaning no matter where in the world you call home.


Travel with me

 After dozens of solo adventures across the globe, it’s time I take you along with me! Every year, I co-lead a writing and wellness retreat in one of my favorite destinations. Unlike other trips you might have been on, this one’s a little different. We won’t just be exploring the world around us; we’ll also be cultivating the world within. You’ll leave with a restored sense of possibility and wellbeing, plus a new sense of direction and trust in your own unique gifts.

Travel with me

After dozens of solo adventures across the globe, it’s time I take you along with me! Every year, I co-lead a writing and wellness retreat in one of my favorite destinations. Unlike other trips you might have been on, this one’s a little different. We won’t just be exploring the world around us; we’ll also be cultivating the world within. You’ll leave with a restored sense of possibility and wellbeing, plus a new sense of direction and trust in your own unique gifts.

Unlock your magic

It wasn’t until a transformative trip through Jamaica that I started seeing the world—and the people in it—differently. At the time, I was in the throws of a crisis; my father was dying of cancer and my husband was growing into himself and, sadly, away from me. Feeling abandoned in two very different ways, I finally chose to go inward; it was in that abyss of grief that I found something else entirely: magic. You have it too, and I’ll help you unlock it.

Unlock your magic

It wasn’t until a transformative trip through Jamaica that I started seeing the world—and the people in it—differently. At the time, I was in the throws of a crisis; my father was dying of cancer and my husband was growing into himself and, sadly, away from me. Feeling abandoned in two very different ways, I finally chose to go inward; it was in that abyss of grief that I found something else entirely: magic. You have it too, and I’ll help you unlock it.

Planning a trip soon? Check out my travel guides for inspiration and insider tips.

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