How to Make Friends at your Hostel
Traveling alone can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don’t know anyone in the city where you are visiting. Even if you have your whole trip itinerary planned out, it’s good to arrive at your hostel with an open mind. There are so many benefits to meeting travelers during your trip. It’s not only

New York’s Top 5 For Under $5
This post is by Jessica Tiare Bowen, one of our contributors. When one thinks of New York City, a lot of things come to mind: Concrete Jungle, Skyscraper National Park, The Big Apple. “Cheap” would probably not make the list. New York is notorious for ridiculously priced cocktails and Broadway shows, which is why I

How to Use Social Media to Find Travel Deals
In an age where technology reigns supreme over all media outlets, looking for deals on Facebook and Twitter are useful methods for helping you score the best travel deals around. Setting up email alerts is one way to discover deals right away. You can even set them for daily, weekly, or instant delivery into your

Dropping Science: The Beastie Boys New York
This post is by Gilad Goren, one of our contributors. Very few names have come to be as synonymous with New York City as The Beastie Boys, that always-pioneering, never-tiring, always-fresh trio of rappers from the Big Apple. 32 years together as a group, 8 studio albums released, and millions of records sold; such figures cast

Zlatica Hujbertová: Bohemian Mastermind
I first heard of Zlatica Hujbertová a few weeks ago when she featured her current collection at Slovak Fashion Night. Although several other talented designers showed that night, her “homeless chic” garb as I like to call it was beyond impressive. Here’s a little rundown on my new favorite designer. So how did Zlatica get

Soundwalk Walking Tours
This post is by Jessica Tiare Bowen, one of our contributors. One of my favorite things to do in New York City is explore it via Soundwalk. For those of you who haven’t heard of Soundwalk, get your walking shoes on and your iPods charged. It is perhaps one of the most innovative ways to explore

An Asian American Visiting his Roots
This post is by David VanArsdale, one of our contributors. When you’re a traveler, you meet “interesting” people. I like putting that word in quotes, because if you’ve been backpacking before, you know that “interesting” can mean a lot of different things. During my journey through Southeast Asia in 2010, I would sometimes wonder “What’s

Is Kirsten ‘Drunkst’ really the Queen of Cannes?
The 64th Cannes Film Festival is sadly over, but the awards are just in. It’s been awhile since I’ve heard of Kirsten Dunst doing anything notable so I was certainly surprised to hear that she won the Best actress Award for her role in “Melancholia.” I’ve been a fan of Dunst since her “Little Women”

Hiking Through Southeast Asia
This post is by David VanArsdale, one of our contributors. Two weeks into my “Big Adventure” of independently backpacking through Southeast Asia, I wasn’t convinced I was having a Big Adventure after all. In reality, I was meeting real globe trotters whose previous travels made me look like a kid going on a 2nd grade

Female Backpackers Take Note: 10 Tips Worth Reading
This post is by Elana Zygman, one of our contributors. Planning a backpacking trip this summer? Going alone? Here are a few tips from our resident female backpacker, Elana. 10. A backpack: If you have separation anxiety from leaving those few extra clothes or makeup items behind, this is a must. Make sure you can